iOS 15 Apple. Soon come.
Apple is planning to release their new update this week. Rumors are swirling surrounding potential new products that will soon hit the market. More on that in the coming days..
For now, a few things we know about IOS 15 (in a few years we will be at IOS 97)
A few things we know:
· Apple will broadcast the event today – Tuesday September 14, 2021 – from its headquarters in Silicon Valley
· The release of the iPhone 13 seems to be in the cards
· Potential features of the new iPhone include (but are not limited to): Portrait Mode (for Video), a bigger battery (thank God), and increased storage.
· Media outlets are estimating the new iPhone 13 will hit stores Sept. 24, while IOS 15 seems to be in play to be open to the public a day before Sept. 24, on Sept. 23.
· Can’t hold it in your pants to download IOS 15? Keep checking your settings on your iPhone. You will be notified when the update becomes available.
· The update covers all iPhones all the way back to the iPhone 6. So if you’re one of those people who buy used tech gear, hopefully you have something later than the 6. If not, I am sorry.
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