Similar to the technology of OnStar, rumors are swirling that Apple will soon announce that iPhones will be able to detect if you are in a car crash.
While not earth-shattering news, great PR here by Apple.
The update also dials 911 on your iPhone automatically.
Look at what Tesla is doing. Their cars have the capability to drive themselves, detect the exact shape and speed of the vehicle next to you, read speed limit signs, and even automatically break if the system believes a crash is imminent.
My point: While Apple does not invest in electric automobile technology to the extent of Tesla, this feature to a future iPhone update isn’t anything that should wow you.
If anything, these evil geniuses at Apple have had this capability for quite a while and kept it in the pipeline.
Regardless, there is nothing bad about this addition to the iPhone’s software. Our safety is marque. And Apple is marketing to just that.
My one concern: What if your phone is severely damaged in a crash? Wouldn’t OnStar or a vehicle detection system appeal more to the average driver?
What other gadgets do you guys think Apple may unveil as the future unfolds?
Another issue that we can dive into at a future date is the rise in automobile crashes associated with the usage of smartphones. This is no joke and remains a problem.
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