CEO Vishal Garg reportedly has resumed his duties as active CEO.
Garg took some time off after infamously laying off 900 employees – all at once on Zoom. Unsurprisingly, this went viral. Check aht the video link below. What a scumbag:, in theory, is a cutting-edge online mortgage company that automates many of the painful and tedious steps associated with applying for and securing a mortgage. While fully tech-driven mortgage may not become totally feasible until a while into the future, props to Garg for being forward thinking here.
But once again. What a scumbag. To lay this many people off over Zoom? One of Garg’s main reasons for having to lay off this many employees was the changing mortgage and real estate market. This Zoom call took place this fall. The market then was near record highs.
Garg’s estimated net worth? $1 Billion Dollars. He is also rumored to have received a $25 Million Dollar cash bonus in 2020.
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